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Showing posts from August, 2011

Calling all Big Choppers

Did you just go natural and had your first big chop? Did you go through a hair change and decide to start over with a new natural TWA style? If so, we are looking for stories about the big chop. If you’d like to submit your own stories, please complete the Big Chopper interview questions and email a few pre- and post-big chop pictures to .    Please enter “Big Chopper: (Your name and City)” in subject line.

My TWA Hair Affair

I love my TWA hair. The funny thing is I didn’t realize how much I loved it until I went natural and tried to grow out this full head of flowing curls. I’m not a very patient person at all, so trying to grow my hair out was not the best idea. First of all, I hate the in-between stage which is right around six months post-big chop. Second of all, I hate trying to style my hair. I like to wash and go. Also, about 60% of my hair is a wavy texture so the ends are really straight. Finally, I just look really good (at least I think so) with TWA hair.  So how did I fall in love with TWA hair? Continue reading to find out .