Jenee enjoys the scenery. Way to Rock that TWA Jenee! |
RYT: Why did you decide to “go natural”?
JENEE: I'd been thinking about going natural for a long time. I actually tried it once several years ago, and failed, because I wasn't knowledgeable enough about maintenance for natural hair, how to take care of it properly, hair products to use/purchase, etc. I really wish that I knew then what I know now. I'd be about five years in on my natural hair journey!
RYT: Was the decision to big chop a hard one for you?
Jenee when she was relaxed. |
But after some time, and after me really wanting to take the step, I just said f--- it, just do it. I got tired of the hair cuts, the over-processing, the expense. I wanted to be free. So I did it, and couldn't be happier. It's funny, those same people that were anti-natural-Jenee are the same ones that talk about how much they love the new hair on me!
RYT: How did you feel after your big chop?
JENEE: It was an adjustment for me. I've looked the same way for the last ten years of my life (for the most part), and even though my hair was already short, taking the extra step and chopping it off was such an incredibly different look from what I was accustomed to. It took some getting used to. And, when you've had chemically-treated hair for most of your life, there is also a "fear of the unknown" because you dont know what form your hair naturally takes. But it is definitely empowering when you finally do it. And even more so when you see your hair for the first time in its natural state and realize that it is just as beautiful curly as it is straight.
RYT: Who did your big chop?
JENEE: I wish I had a cool story to tell- like "I locked myself in my bathroom and at home with a pair of clippers and went IN!" But... I went to my regular stylist. She's actually a natural hair stylist, but I've gone to her for my relaxers and hair cuts and styles since I moved to Atlanta. She's incredibly talented and works with all hair- natural and chemically treated- but her preference and specialization is with the curlies. Needless to say, she was very excited when I decided to let her do my big chop. Now she wants me to lock my hair. Baby steps, woman. Baby Steps.
RYT: What feedback, comments or criticisms have you received from others?
JENEE: Initially, it was a big shock to everyone, but I got nothing but positives and oohss and ahhhs. I've spent the first month of my BC explaining the new 'do to each person that I run in to at work and socially. After a while, I wished i could get everyone I knew in life into one room for a Q and A and be done with it! *smiles* Every now and then I get the coworker that feels like they can sneak in and touch my hair (they get the side eye). And at least one a week, I get someone that tries to pick lent out of my hair (son... it's my gray...).
RYT: Do you plan to rock your TWA for a while or grow your hair out?
JENEE: At this point I really don't know. I'm excited now because i'm just getting to the point where I'm starting to see my curl pattern! Right now I have a "let it grow and see what happens" attitude. If it gets to a length where I really like it, I might keep it for a while. If it starts to grow and get awkward, I may cut it. Only time will tell :)
RYT: What products have you tried?
JENEE: Oh gosh, some of everything. I went on a product-shopping-spree when i first got my BC, trying everything. To name a few: Beautiful Curls, Kinky Curly, Jane Carter conditioners, Design Essentials Natural product line (my stylist is a distributor), iC styling gel with aloe vera, and several Miss Jessies Products. I've found a combination that I like right now (but it literally changes every other week). My daily routine includes these products:
Aveda Dehumectant (keeps my hair from getting frizzy)
Care Free Curl Activator (its old school, I know, but does a better job keeping my hair moisturized than some of the "fancy" products that I've tried)
Miss Jessie's Curly Meringue (awesome product for my hair type! really helps define my curls)
RYT: Please tell us what you like the most and/or least about being natural?
JENEE: I love my freedom! I'm no longer a slave to the relaxer! I'm not saying that I'm anti-relaxer, because I'm not. I may even go back to straight hair one of these days, who knows. But just knowing that I don't have to go to a salon every other week for maintenance, once a month for a partial and a trim. It's expensive and I was tired of a) paying so much money, and b) spending so much time in a salon.
And it feels good to get caught in the rain and not have to run from it like it's kryptonite.
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